Superfund, Solid Waste and Emergency Response


The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is a world-renowned environmental organization with more than three decades of experience addressing public health and environmental challenges. EPA works every day – in partnership with other federal agencies, states, tribes and communities – to strengthen public health and advance environmental protection.

Skeo has been fortunate to work closely with multiple EPA offices and programs since the late 1990s. During that time, Skeo has supported EPA’s efforts to clean up and restore some of the nation’s most contaminated lands. We have provided services nationwide, consistently delivering innovation to help unleash the unlimited potential of EPA and its partners.

Solving today’s complex public health and environmental challenges is about people – collaboration, partnership, communication, capacity-building – as well as deep technical and policy expertise. Skeo puts people first, and delivers lasting solutions.


EPA’s Superfund Program

Each day, EPA’s Superfund program plays a vital role, protecting human health and the environment, by dealing with the nation’s worst uncontrolled hazardous spills. At environmental emergencies and complex long-term cleanups, oil spills and natural disasters, EPA is on the ground, working with its partners to make sure people can live and work in healthy, vibrant places.

Skeo supports the policy, guidance and technical resources that have helped EPA transform the way it does business, leading the way as a high-performing organization. From regional site teams to senior management, we provide EPA staff with innovative tools and cutting-edge research and analysis that help protect public health and advance environmental protection. Recent projects have focused on Superfund five-year reviews, renewable energy, equitable development, green infrastructure planning, ecological revitalization, urban agriculture, walkable watersheds, environmental justice and the federal Partnership for Sustainable Communities.

Visit Superfund online to learn more.

EPA’s Superfund Redevelopment Program (SRP)

EPA supports communities as they turn once-contaminated lands into valued assets that provide jobs and services, and enhance local quality of life. Through an array of tools, partnerships and activities, SRP helps make this happen; communities have reclaimed and reused hundreds of sites and tens of thousands of acres of land.

Skeo provides the planning and design services, mapping, information resources and community engagement materials that help make these projects possible. For our clients, these efforts have led to new opportunities for meaningful community engagement, collaborative partnerships and strengthened cleanups that protect communities, advance environmental protection, and save time and money. Skeo’s goal is to help our clients make a meaningful and lasting difference – whether it is working with environmental justice communities to tackle public health challenges, sharing best practices, quantifying benefits, educating stakeholders, making sure children can play safely in their neighborhoods, or supporting community-led reuse projects that revitalize local economies with jobs, new businesses, tax revenues and spending.

Visit SRP online to learn more.


EPA’s Office of Underground Storage Tanks (OUST)

About 566,000 underground storage tanks nationwide store petroleum or hazardous substances. Leaking tanks can contaminate groundwater, the source of drinking water for nearly half of all Americans. EPA’s Office of Underground Storage Tanks, states, and tribes work with industry to protect the environment and human health from potential releases.

To optimize these outcomes, Skeo provides our client with comprehensive technical research and analysis, communications and outreach services, website support, and data analysis. Our goal is to help strengthen OUST’s mission and the effectiveness and efficiency of the nation’s underground storage tank programs.

Visit OUST online to learn more.


EPA’s Federal Facilities Restoration and Reuse Office (FFRRO)

Thousands of federal facilities – military bases, former nuclear production plants, abandoned mines and landfills – are located across the United States. FFRRO helps make sure cleanups of these sites are fast, effective and efficient, and supports their productive reuse.

As part of this work, Skeo helps our client partner with diverse organizations, maintain accurate site and program data, and provide communities and other stakeholders with insightful technical analysis. By focusing on updated tools and information resources as well as outreach and public involvement, FFRRO and its partners have made great strides in strengthening federal facility cleanups and restoring vibrant community resources.

Visit FFRRO online to learn more.

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