EPA’s Superfund Redevelopment Program (SRP)
EPA supports communities as they turn once-contaminated lands into valued assets that provide jobs and services, and enhance local quality of life. Through an array of tools, partnerships and activities, SRP helps make this happen; communities have reclaimed and reused hundreds of sites and tens of thousands of acres of land.
Skeo provides the planning and design services, mapping, information resources and community engagement materials that help make these projects possible. For our clients, these efforts have led to new opportunities for meaningful community engagement, collaborative partnerships and strengthened cleanups that protect communities, advance environmental protection, and save time and money. Skeo’s goal is to help our clients make a meaningful and lasting difference – whether it is working with environmental justice communities to tackle public health challenges, sharing best practices, quantifying benefits, educating stakeholders, making sure children can play safely in their neighborhoods, or supporting community-led reuse projects that revitalize local economies with jobs, new businesses, tax revenues and spending.
Visit SRP online to learn more.