Skeo / Case Studies / Study Circle Dialogues Put Racial Inequities on the Table – Rocky Mount, North Carolina Study Circle Dialogues Put Racial Inequities on the Table – Rocky Mount, North Carolina
Skeo supported a multi-year community visioning and strategic planning process in the Twin Counties Region of North Carolina. Edgecombe County, Nash County and the City of Rocky Mount embarked on this effort to create a shared vision and a prosperous future for all residents and position the region to succeed in a globally competitive economy.
Skeo facilitated a community-wide study circle process involving 360 participants to identify pressing issues facing the region and potential actions to address them. To support the study circle process, Skeo designed a 40-page study guide and trained over 90 community members to facilitate 64 study groups. Skeo compiled study circle outcomes using a custom web interface and summarized recommendations in a project report that highlighted a shared regional vision for the future.
The Twin Counties Visioning Project has resulted in eight Action Teams responsible for implementation of the regional vision and goals. The project’s final report was released in 2015. It represents a significant step toward citizen leadership and collaborative governance in the Twin Counties Region.
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