Equity, Sustainability and Resilience

Environmental Justice and Equitable Reinvestment

Disparity Maps Inform Reinvestment Planning – Chesapeake, Virginia


In 2006, the City of Chesapeake created a Chesapeake Quality of Life Cabinet and developed a Neighborhood Quality of Life Study to prioritize and coordinate local investments based on quality-of-life needs. In 2014, the Cabinet asked Skeo to update the assessment using GIS analysis of census data to evaluate 26 quality-of-life indicators.


Skeo collaborated with the Cabinet to refine the assessment methodology, gathered census data and developed a series of GIS maps showing the variability of 26 indicators by census block. The final report is being used to help prioritize city investments and increase public awareness of the neighborhoods facing the most critical quality-of-life challenges.


The project’s final report is a resource for residents, community leaders, city staff and elected officials, guiding effective long-term investments to reduce inequities across city neighborhoods.

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